The Call
No other foundation can any man lay than that which has already been established by Christ.
The call is unique, specific, and designed by God for each individual irrespective of race, dispensation, or geographical location. As diverse as the calling could be, the common denominator is the unfolding of nature, character, and the ultimate plan of God in salvaging the doomed destiny of humankind. No matter how glamorous or spectacular the manifestation or how well accepted the ministry is amongst men, if it fails to meet this quality assurance of heaven, it is counted as a loss for all eternity.
He who did not call the seed of Jacob to serve Him in vain is faithful to fulfill His assignment over our lives. We are not called to be creative(in the sense of adopting the tools and the ideologies of this world to propagate the Kingdom) but to be yielded to the Spirit of truth to be led in the pathways of Kingdom exploits.
God has a way He wants certain things to be done which are not left to the creativity of the called. He gave Noah the exact specifications for the Arch; the measurements, the materials, and the wisdom to aid him construct the Arch the way He wanted. He gave Moses the blueprints for the construction of the Tabernacle and how the sacrifices and ordinances were to be performed.
God has specifics because whatever is built for God mirrors a dimension of what is already existing in His realm so we cannot but be led by the Spirit of the all-wise God.
God’s way of bringing the world to the foot of the cross is not for His calling to join themselves to the filth and corruption that has bedeviled the world to win them but to win by righteousness. God does not bend His standards to accommodate men, but men who want to be accommodated should of necessity bend themselves to be accommodated in the Kingdom; for the kingdom of God standeth sure having this seal, let him that nameth the name of the Lord departs from iniquity.
The call is initiated from heaven, therefore the success or otherwise of it would be determined by heaven as well and not by men; for what is highly esteemed by men might be an abomination before God. Although the call is executed on earth, the marking scheme is in heaven therefore the call should constantly check in with heaven to access the degree of alignment or deviation from the ultimate plan when need be.
King Saul lost his position and assignment to another(David) because he feared and was more willing to please the people than obey the will of God. It is possible to be big and great before men but esteemed lightly in the sight of God and heaven; when you desire the praises and honour of men at the expense of God’s agenda. You are either a man of God or a pleaser of men.
Article by Apostle Percy SA. (KBITS 2022 ALUMNI)