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What Seeketh Thou?

Man has many plans, purposes, and pursuits in life but what becomes of all these when he returns to dust? What you seek and pursue in time will determine your placement when you take your last breath close your eyes and step into eternity. So, son of man, what seeketh thou?

Dost thou seek for gold, silver, fame, praises of men?

Seekest thou great things for thyself, seek them not.

More than 2000 years ago wise men from the East saw the star of a great King and left everything and sought Him. After 2000 years wise men still leave all to seek Him.

The question is do you love Him more than ever and anything?

The first and the greatest commandment is to love God with all our hearts, all our souls, and all our minds. God wants total possession of our entire being. He will not play second fiddle because He is the all in all. Those who know Him do not desire any other. He is the end of the desires of man. He is beyond satisfied. He is the fulfillment of all the desires a man could have.

How can a man come to the Presence and desire what a mere mortal can give; give me a car, give me money, give me bread, give me wine, give me a job, give me a husband?

Oh, we seek that which only God can give, we seek that which money cannot buy.

We seek that which cannot be corrupted by time and rust or dust. We seek that which outlives matter, space, and time.

We seek God, we seek the incorruptible crown of life, we seek the new Jerusalem adorned in precious garments. We seek a Kingdom with righteousness and justice as its foundation. He seeks a Kingdom where all our tears will be wiped away and the lion and the babe shall lay together.

We seek the glory that never fades, we seek the gems of heaven as our eternal reward for our labors in time.
Son of man, What Seeketh Thou?

Article by Apostle Percy SA. (KBITS 2022 ALUMNI)
